Jamaica Missions Video

Friday, November 24, 2006

Work Work Work...

Today we got a good day's work in. The sun finally came out to meet us for the first time in a long while. The masonry crew was able to accomplish a lot on the front entrance of the building, while the painting crew went behind them and painted their handy-work. The roof crew set the trusses for the roof. Everyone really accomplished a lot and got done what needed to be done. Tomorrow we are planning on going to the market to buy some little toys and trinkets for all those at home reading this. After that we have rented out a boat for the afternoon to reward ourselves for all the hard work. On Sunday Pastor Tim is speaking at one church, while Pastor Rob is speaking at another. Jamaica is going to get a good dose of Delaware pastors. Sorry for not updating, but today was a busy day. Keep checking thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys I'm home. Hope all went well. It is good to be home with the family but I wish I was there to help finish-up. Thank for a great experience. Jason Culver

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having so much rain.But it is in God's hands you will accomplish what you are meant to.God bless,and we are praying that all goes well.
The worster family