Jamaica Missions Video

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

finishing the day

Well this day has come to a close and everyone is all showered up and nice and clean. I am really tired. We tried all day to get a hydraulic pump for the roof, but came out with no luck. We are most likely going to have to nail the truss plates on by hand. This is going to be a hard task to do, but we will do it. The paint team did and awesome job painting the railing even though I liked to stick my hands in it. The masonry crew really jumped right into the job despite the rain. Tonight we had the wonderful ladies cook us some good food. Right now a lot of the group is gone down to the Carribean to take a quick after-work swim. Today Lewis Gebhart lead chapel and Mr. Greg spoke to us. It rained very hard in the beginning of the day. As you saw in the pictures there was quite a bit of water standing on the roof and on the ground. We are currently enjoying some very funny yet very stupid jokes. Well that is about it for now I will update later. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Lee Thompson. I hope you enjoyed knocking the Southpaws down a notch this past weekend! Scott & Shawn won too, so you know it was a wierd weekend in the NFL.

Hey, Claire Redman, I hope your staying dry so far. And don't worry, I'll make sure Bethany saves you a drumstick.

Have fun everyone. You're doing a great work there, and you will be blessed because of it.


Anonymous said...

May each one be blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.Dennis take care I love you.
